Initially, the Veolia Environnement Foundation participated in the elaboration of the first Congolese National Plan for the Elimination of Cholera 2008-2012 (french version), in support of the Congolese Ministry of Public Health.
From this first 4 years of experience, the cholera issue was recognised as a multi-sectoral matter in the D.R.C. Therefore, five other ministries (Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Planning, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Transports, and Ministry of Rural Development) were involved in the preparation of the current Congolese National Plan for the Elimination of Cholera 2013-2017, with support of the Global Alliance Against Cholera.
The implementation of this latest national plan is being coordinated by the Ministry of Planning, with the support of the Ministry of Public Health.
The Congolese National plan recognises the need for a gradual shift in the current health funding paradigm of treatment of diseases caused by contaminated drinking water, lack of sanitation and inadequate health education. The new paradigm will focus on the prevention of water borne diseases by assuring the availability of potable water, sanitation facilities and health education programs.