The Global Alliance Against Cholera was established in early 2010 to respond to the increasing incidence of cholera and other water borne diseases in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.). It has since been expanded to other Cholera-affected countries. The G.A.A.C. is an Alliance, not an operational agency that relies for its legitimacy on the authority of knowledge of its Advisory Council members.
The Global Alliance Against Cholera aims to encourage Governments and NGO' to prevent cholera and other waterborne infectious diseases by eliminating the sources of the diseases through water and sanitation infrastructure:
- By promoting an innovative approach, based on integrated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (W.A.S.H.) and epidemiological studies involving operational agencies acting in the field; Emphasis is put on the inclusion of ongoing epidemiological surveillance essential to the identification of specific cholera “hot spots”, where safe potable water access, adequate sanitation facilities and focused health education are provided.
- Through effective coordination of the coherence of international agencies’ actions in the field;
- By including capacity building actions at the community level; and
- By stimulating international advocacy and fundraising for operational implementation at the community level.